Gravity Concepts, Sec. 70, Rev. April 29, 2021 ///
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Abstract: This section presents the reported existence of a space propulsion system utilized by our helpful space neighbors that appears to be using a force radiation and shielding system, like the system as proposed by this website.
An outline of the propulsion system proposed by this website "Gravity and Inertia via Radiation" is presented first, for comparison to the system used by our space neighbors (Planet Serpo), which is presented last.
Space propulsion via the force radiation and shielding concept
as described by the website "Gravity and Inertia via Radiation",
When a craft is freely floating in outer space the isotropic force radiation
is striking it evenly on all sides. Since the force is even on all sides... there is
no unbalanced force to cause movement or acceleration. In this radiation and
shielding model of force the main feature that causes force is the laserlike
coherence of the undisturbed radiation flow. If the coherence of the radiation
impinging on
the front of the craft is disturbed, the radiation from behind the craft will
become an unbalanced force in the forward direction.
appears that the transmission of high-frequency high-power broadband
electromagnetic radiation and /or magnetic disturbances out in front of the
craft cause the required disturbance of the laserlike coherence of the incoming
radiation, i.e. it becomes NON-coherent radiation. The magnetic fields of the
Sun and Jupiter provide empirical evidence that magnetism shields, and
disturbs gravitational
The disturbance of the coherent radiation may not only reduce the force from that direction but may also reduce the effect of inertial retardation during acceleration in the same direction. A simplified mechanical systems comparison would be that a vacuum is being formed in front of the craft and there is an unbalanced pressure behind the craft.
Examples of this type of radiant force disturbances are available from Youtube; Louie Rancourt's, and John Hutchinson's experiments.
This following quote from Lynn Kasten's book on page 251,... it is reported to have been made available by a US government official. The comments within brackets and the bold type have been added to aid in clarification.
Quote: Page 251, (July 1965) Documents how 12 people (from the US Military), as part of a top-secret U.S. government program, traveled to the planet Serpo (in a large Serpo spacecraft) and lived there for 13 years…… …..They also utilize a form of space displacement system which basically causes a vacuum in front of the propulsion that allows nothing to interfere with the created thrust. At the present time, we cannot understand how they accomplish this. They use a vacuum chamber, which consists of a mini nuclear reactor that forces some type of matter into space that deletes the molecules and causes that very small portion of space to become a vacuum. They also utilize antimatter in such a way as to force their propulsion system into streams waves of energy in front of their craft that enables the craft to move and flow much more easily through space without any friction from the atmosphere. Unquote.
Kasten's book is available in e-book or print via Google Books, Amazon Kindle and online at .
From this disclosure above, by our "omnipotent" US government, it appears that our neighbors from planet Serpo are interacting with the prime force radiation of outer space in the same manner as described, above under the heading "Space propulsion via the force radiation and shielding concept". * * *
This article, "Field Propulsion" is granted to be in the public domain. Stanley V Byers 7 - 17 - 2017
The radiant pressure model suggests that the isotropic radiant potential energy flows may be focused, diverted or transformed in frequency with existing electrical and mechanical technology to utilize the forces called gravity and inertia. Presently, only passive methods are in use to interact with the forces. Once one visualizes the radiant pressure model as a possible cause for the forces at a distance, various experimental methods for focusing and shielding the forces become self evident. We have become so accustomed to the classical theories that the following interaction descriptions may prove difficult to visualize.
Radioactivity: The atom of radium continuously provides a source of energy in the heat spectrum, because it is a sink for prime radiation in the higher frequency spectra. The classical concept that an undefined attribute called mass, within an object, is being converted to energy is not possible in this model. Mass does not reside in an object. The force phenomenon that we attribute to mass is a mutual interaction involving the radiation of space and the radiation resonance points manifesting as particulate matter.
Inertia: When one holds a spinning gyroscope and feels the resistance to angular motion there can only be one answer; radiant space is supplying the force. If a stone could be shielded from the prime inertial flow it would glance off a glass mirror like a light beam. The prime inertial radiant flow of space is interacting on the stone. The inertial force is not seated in and the inertial energy is not stored in the stone.
Weight: When lifting an object you are not feeling an unknown force field between the earth and the object. The earth has interacted with the space by shielding and the space is singularly responsible for the force you feel. In this model tension and forces of "attraction" can not exist. You are not being "attracted" to the Earth, you are being repelled by the radiation flow from outer space. It is important to view the process this way to begin to realize the power density in every cubic inch of space. Once we are able to focus this flow, it will not only be possible to counteract gravity on an object, but it will also be possible to magnify the effect. The force you feel when lifting is caused by the unbalanced flow of radiant space. The only attribute within the object is the ability to shadow the unbalanced flow. The weight (force) is not in the object.
Electrical Induction: The mechanical force and multi-megawatts of power within a transformer and motor are not transferred from the winding to the iron and copper but from the winding to space and from space to the iron and secondary windings.
Magnetic Attraction: When a strong magnet is held very near an iron object it is said that the magnet is pulling on the iron. In order to visualize this model it is critical to understand that the magnet is not pulling on the iron and the iron is not pulling on the magnet . They are each interacting with radiant space and space alone is touching and acting on the objects. From the 1/R squared feature of this force it is clear that it is due to radiation and shadowing. Yet there is no known EM radiant frequency associated with a static magnet. This is another clear example of the prime radiant flow density in space. The cause of the force of magnetism does not reside in the magnet.
Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission (SEE): The SEE
process is normally viewed as the basic physical process used in the MASER
and LASER systems. MASER is the acronym for the process of Microwave
Amplification via Stimulated Emission of Radiation. LASER is the acronym
for the process of Light Amplification via Stimulated Emission of
When these SEE processes are explained from the view point of this
Prime Radiation model,... a revolutionary view of the processes is
In this Prime Radiation Model it is not possible for matter to store
energy in electron orbits. All apparent storage of energy results from the
addition of harmonic frequencies to the existing confluence of harmonics
which make up the atom. The apparent return of "stored" energy
(emission) results when the particle (confluence of harmonics)
decays to the ambient level of radiation intensity for those added
harmonics. This suggests that the LASER, MASER, Magnetic Resonance
and Moray's energy processes may be the first controllable
artificial systems for resonant interaction with the infinite plenum
of prime radiation potential energy. Our common process of inertial propulsion
interacts with the prime radiation potential energy but does not readily present the
possibility of extracting excess energy through stimulated
The standard explanation for the physical process of SEE attributes the energy manifestation to populations of electrons as particles jumping between orbits and emitting internally stored quantum packets of energy . Do we know what an electron is, or if it really exists as a particle with:
spin,.. spin momentum,...?
orbits,... orbital momentum,...?
and translational momentum.
Quantity of Matter: From the above review it appears that the one and only attribute that consistently and accurately quantifies an object is the number of atomic and nuclear particles contained in the object. Inertial mass, weight mass, charge, magnetism and volume are ephemeral characteristics which cannot be relied on to quantify the amount of matter in an object.
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The electric arc is a good example of frequency transformation. From the mass spectrograph, we know the electron and ions interact with the EM and inertial spectrums simultaneously. Within the arc, the disturbances or modulations of the prime spectrum are manifested as heat, light, ultraviolet, and x-ray frequencies following the Fourier analysis. The energy we see manifested in the electric arc is coming from the space around the arc. The electric energy we are supplying is only establishing the conditions for the transformation. Ball lightning is comparable to the electric arc, where radiant space has supplied its own conditions for the manifested energy spectra transformations.
When artificial unbalance of the gravitational radiant flows occur, physical movements now considered impossible become commonplace. An object within the unbalanced flow is essentially falling with the flow. Instantaneous velocity changes can occur with no inertial forces evident. An object capable of focusing this radiant flow would not encounter atmospheric friction. A column of air would be falling in the same direction and speed with the object. Thus, no atmospheric heating or sound would result. The distance, speed and acceleration of the object would have little relation to any energy expenditures.
The mathematical models and the current gravitational theories have yet to lead to any known significant projects, financial support, plans or results for controlling interaction with gravity or inertia. This radiant pressure model is easily visualized, and contains many features inviting continued research, thus allowing many participants to make predictions and devise tests that may lead to interaction or improvements of the model.
When this model of matter and force is visualized as a total system, the radiant flow of space becomes substance and every thing we call matter is only deformation and shadow in the radiant flow. The simplicity of a shadowing system is so pronounced that it becomes one of the defining characteristics. It seems to be proving the quotation "The last thing a deep sea fish will ever discover is water". We are existing and swimming in this deep sea of radiant flow and have failed to recognize its existence.
Artificial interaction should be possible by diversion of the balanced flows to cause an effective unbalance. An object on the Earth's surface has a balanced flow from all sides and an unbalanced flow from top to bottom due to the Earth's shielding from below. If the balanced flows from the sides could be diverted to axial flow as in a vortex it may then be possible to modify this focused axial flow in order to balance the normal gravitational unbalance.
The following is a list of the obvious methods available to interact with the radiant flows of space. Some combination of these methods of interaction should provide a path to obtain focus and control of the isotropic radiant flow of space.
- Inertial Spectra
- Flywheel
- Mechanical/Acoustical Resonance
- Vibration
- Electromagnetic Spectra
- Static Charge
- Magnetism
- Electromagnetic Radiation
- Standing Waves with antennas and Space
- Combined Inertial and EM Spectra
- Piezoelectric Crystals
- Ions
- Electrons and Protons
- Electron Ballistics
A spinning flywheel and vibration are two methods to obtain strong interaction with the inertial radiant spectrum. An ionized plasma is a method to interact with the inertial and EM spectra. Extreme charges, magnetism and microwaves are available to provide shielding interaction in the EM spectrum.
The impedance of space, 377 ohms, suggests another avenue available for artificial interaction via radio energy. There is evidence that a plasma resonance will produce radio frequency energy in the EM spectrum that apparently is derived from the prime inertial spectrum.
From the available methods for combining forces to control interaction it would seem most promising to begin experimenting with the forces of inertia and magnetism. They both exist in the prime inertial radiant spectrum and have a strong force flow available that can be readily modified. One obvious approach would be to try unbalancing a magnet or electromagnet with the extreme forces available with flywheel shielding. Early attempts (circa 1976) at unbalancing an electromagnet by applying 300 KV DC to shielding did not produce any favorable results.
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Planet Diameter Mass Escape
VelocityMean Miles Tons Miles/Sec. Moon 2.16K 81ep18* 1.5 Mercury 2.91K 360ep18 2.6 Mars 4.14K 705ep18 3.1 Venus 7.58K 5.36ep21 6.4 Earth 7.91K 6.59ep21 7.0 Neptune 27.8K** 116ep21 15.1 Uranus 29.5K 96ep21 13.6 Saturn 72.3K 625ep21 22.0 Jupiter 86.6K 2.09ep24 37.5 Sun 865K 2.2ep27 383
* K is 1X10^3,
ep is 1X10^...
** Assumed wrong per discussion in text.
(1) "Reference" list item no.
5) D. Bergamini ...
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Planet Diameter Mass Surface
Gravitykm Earth=1 Earth=1 Moon --- --- --- Mercury 4,880 0.055 0.37 Mars 6,787 0.108 0.38 Venus 12,104 0.815 0.88 Earth 12,756 1 1 Neptune 49,500 17.2 1.18 Uranus 51,800* 14.6 1.17 Saturn 120,000 95.2 1.15 Jupiter 142,800 317.9 2.64 Sun NA NA NA
* Changed per discussion in text.
(2) " Reference" list entry no. 4) J.
D. Goguens and C. Sagen
Base line data: Earth diameter is 7926 miles,
Earth density is 5.5, water is 1.
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The DENSARE pressure, or unbalanced flow, existing for a given point on a volume of matter is directly proportional to the shadowing from below, which in turn is proportional to the path length through the volume in the direction of interest. Thus, the DENSARE is proportional to the volume's path length until the maximum densare pressure is reached.
The known value of the black shadow densare is the space maximum of 1.52 X 10exp 14 tons per square mile for passive shielding as taken from the plateau on the densare curve.
The length of the black shadow path necessary to achieve maximum pressure can be found from the geometry of the Earth once the projected black shadow area is known. The ratio of the projected black shadow area to the gray area can be determined when the average densare pressure for the gray section is found. The value of the gray shadow densare and the corresponding path length is a function of the gray section volume and projected area.
The simultaneous solution of the area ratio
equation and the average gray shadow equation yields the
value for the depth of Earth material required to completely
shield the radiant flow of the gravitational spectrum.
This depth of Earth material is called the minimum black
shadow path length. The laborious trigonometry solution
presented here should be easily replaceable by a few
calculus equations.
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Dbs = Densare of black shadow area. " = 1.52 X 10^14 tons per square mile. Abs = Area black shadow projection. avg Dgs = Average Densare gray shadow. Ags = Area gray shadow projection. Lbs = Length of black shadow path. avg Lgs = Average length of gray shadow path de = Diameter Earth Ae = Area Earth projection or cross section We = Weight of Earth apparent avg De = Average densare of Earth. " " = We/Ae " " = 1.335 X10^14 tons per square mile. Q = Angle with sin of Lbs/de, = UNKNOWN degrees. K = (avg De)/Dbs , = 1.335 X 10^14 / 1.52 X 10^14 K = 0.878 ratio R = Radius of Earth DENSARE = Unbalanced radiant pressure due to shadowing. " = units of tons per square mile
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Calculations: Black Shadow Path Length cont. A5
November 17, 1995
The total projected force unbalance or apparent weight of the Earth equals; the black shadow area times the space maximum densare pressure of 1.52 X 10^14 tons per square mile, plus the product of the gray shadow area times its average densare pressure.
Eq# 1 Dbs Abs + avg Dgs Ags = We of Earth
Refer to figure 2 and the definition for the parameter descriptions.
The average densare of the gray shadow area, avg Dgs, is proportional to its corresponding average path length in the same ratio as the black shadow densare is proportional to its corresponding minimum path length.
In other words the darkness of the shadow (densare), is proportional to the path length the radiation has traveled through.Eq# 2 avg Lgs / avg Dgs = Lbs / Dbs
From figure 2 the angle Q is seen to be , jumping to equation,
Eq# 10 Q = angle with sin of LBs / De
The area of the black shadow is,
Eq# 11 Abs = Ae cos^2 Q
The area of the gray shadow is,
Eq# 12 Ags = Ae sin^2 Q
Equation 1 now becomes,
Eq# 1a DbsAe cos^2 Q + avg DgsAe sin^2 Q = We
The total weight of the Earth is equal to the average densare De times the total projected area.
Eq# 13 We = avg DeAe
Substituting this into Eq 1a and dividing by Ae gives
Eq# 1b Dbs cos^2 Q + avg Dgs sin^2 Q = avg De
Eq# 1c cos^2 Q + sin^2 Q X Dgs/Dbs = De/Dbs
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From the list of definitions:avg De = 1.335 X 10^14 tons per sq. mile
Dbs = 1.52 X 10^14 tons per sq. mileFrom Eq# 2 avg Dgs / Dbs = avg Lgs / Lbs
Substituting these into Eq 1c gives,
Eq# 1d cos^2 Q + sin^2 Q Lgs / Lbs = 0.878
The average length of the gray shadow path, Lgs, is found by dividing the volume of the gray shadow matter, Vgs , by the projected gray shadow area, Ags.
Eq# 3 avg Lgs = Vgs / Ags
From the geometry of a sphere the gray shadow volume is,
Eq# 13 Vgs =(4/3) Pi R^3 sin^3 Q
From Eq# 12 Ags = Ae sin^2 Q
Eq# 12a Ags = Pi R^2 sin^2 Q
Combining Eq# 13 and Eq# 12a in Eq# 3 gives,
Eq# 3a avg Lgs = (4/3)R sin Q
From figure 2 and Eq# 10.
Eq# 10a Lbs = 2R sin Q
The ratio of the average gray shadow path length, Lgs, to the black shadow path length, Lbs , is,
Eq# 2a avg Lgs/ Lbs = 2/3
Returning to Eq# 1c we can now solve for Q.
Eq# 1c cos^2 Qo + sin^2 Qo (2/3) = 0.878
From the trigonometric identity, cos^2 Q = 1 - sin^2 Q
Eq# 1d (1 - sin^2 Q) + (2/3) sin^2 Q = 0.878
Eq# 1e sin Q = 0.642
Eq# 1d Q = 37.2 degrees
With this angle now known it is possible to calculate the Earth's Shadow Characteristics listed in the Total shielding path length section of this paper, Table 3.
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T. Henry Moray, | The Sea of Energy, 5th Edition |
V. V. Radzryevskiy and I. I. Kagalnikova, | The Nature of Gravitation 1960 FTD-TT-64-323 USAF |
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J. D. Goguens and C.Sagen., | The Solar System, Scientific American, Sept. 1975 |
D. Bergamini, | The Universe. Time Inc. 1962 |
Science News, Vol. 110, pg. 58. | The Multi-Ply-Spinning Proton, |
Erwin J. Saxl and Mildred Allen. | Solar Eclipse as Seen by Torsion Pendulum, Physical Review D 3:3:823-825, 1971 |
J. Eberhart | A Matter of Gravity, Sci. News, Oct 18, 1975 |
W. R. Beam, | Microwave Applications. Handbook of Semiconductor Electronics, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill. |
George W. Hill | The Radiant Universe, 1952 |
Web site by: This is a public domain article.